Nr 7.7 – The seventh of the seven vices

7.7 – the seventh deadly sin, the gluttony.
The dark evil that lurks inside, gloomy like the colors of the work, complicated and irrational that takes away the identity, dematerializing the essence of the lost human being.
Confusion but also addiction, love and hate of something that captures the soul.
Objects present in the work seem magnets that attract the addiction of food, sugar, chocolate, that also deform the body itself into a large black hole.
Sugar is the key element that highlights greed, built from other colors, chocolate, egg yellow, sugar white, hazelnut with a thousand shades.
Inside the scene some commercial products are inserted to further strengthen the theme treated, contrasting by the photos of female figures polluted by this dark evil.
Two glasses that come out and surmount the scene, half full as a sign of meditative hope not to persevere, coming out of this dark evil, as a sign of hope in a toast of future joy.
