Nr 7,5 – Anger – The fifth of the seven vices

7.5 – the fifth cardinal vice, the anger, as the impossibility of accepting the diversity of everything that surrounds us and with which we relate both materially and immaterially of the things built by the mind.
An inability to make things in life go the way we want them to, passively drifting along its path.
In this path, there is a good and a bad anger, represented by the different colors (light and dark) and by the more or less linear lines that form inside the work.

The base of the painting is black like the uncontrollable depth of this capital vice, reflecting the energies contained in the work. Light and dark colours, linear or intersected shapes, masses of matter, circles, concave or convex shapes, punctiform or dotted with micro and macro explosions contained in the space of the work itself.
A snapshot of a half-length portrait of a woman looking to the future with the active and true hope that everything can change in an instant.
